Tips and Gratuities Policy.
This notice sets out the procedure for the allocation of tips, gratuities and service charges for Beautorium Beauty Salon and Training Academy
Beautorium Beauty Salon and Training Academy can confirm that Tips and Gratuities are accepted by Employees. Tips and Gratuities are dispensed in the following way:
Employees keep 100% of cash tips and Gratuities for the customers in which they provide a service. Should a number of therapists undertake numerous services for a customer, tips will be split equally between staff members that undertook services and will be dealt directly by staff members.
We ONLY Accept CASH tips and tips cannot be accepted via electronic means including card, revolut or bank transfer.
Beautorium Beauty Salon and Training Academy can confirm that Service Charges are not applied and therefore not dispensed to Employees.
Beautorium Beauty Salon and Training Academy do not receive or dispense tips to employees directly and this along with recording of tips is dealt with exclusively by each individual staff member for their own cash tips received.